Our tradition teaches that being part of a supportive community helps us bring goodness to each other and to the world. Motor City Wesley encourages small groups meeting regularly, retreats, and student to student conversations to deepen our capacities for making goodness, love, justice and mercy real for each other and our neighbors.


Life Group Conversation Guides


Motor City Life Groups

Motor City Life Groups are small gatherings of students, young adults and friends supporting each other through life, in faith and for service in the world. Each group meets regularly throughout the year at the time and place that works for them. Life Groups decide how to organize their conversations with check-ins, bible and book studies, and helping each other launch “conspiracies of goodness.”


TUESDAYS @ 7:3opm

Community Life Group at WSU Student Center, Rm 389


Motor City Hymns at WSU Student Center, LL

Community background.png

connecting is easy…

Just use Calendly to schedule a time to talk more about the community you are looking for and the goodness you hope to bring to your life and to the world.

Feeling Called to launch a GrouP?

We are organizing across Metro Detroit.
